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Vote: Private Messages

Would you like Private messaging in the game. 

Help us decide. Have your say.

53 people like this idea

I think private messages is good to get help in when you need help with players farming you. It can be helpful to your mob clan. Not only to those in your gang.
I would love to know why my account got banned, Devs. I'm clueless. I just loaded my DoPeU RU 209 (648239557) account and it was banned with unknown reason. I wasn't warned of anything either. This is not fair. I've spent lots of money supporting your game. I'm one of the loyal players and still get banned and with no warning posted on my wall.
Guys I'm KBaLL aka DoPe6 RU 209 can you believe I didn't get a warning for a rule I supposedly broke? All I was doing is farming Creeper. People hate me on game.pffft it's a game dude. Role play and FIGHT.. DEVS, I SUPPORTED YOUR GAME FOR YEARS. YOU NEED TO UNBAN MY ACCOUNT. YIU AHOULD ADDRESS PEOPLE BREAKING RULES WITH A FAIR WARNING BEFORE SUSPENDING ANY ACCOUNT. I SOENT HUNDREDS ON THIS GAME. IF NOT, GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK.
Do not add this feature. Can't imagine what the lag Time would increase to. Most players use alternate app for personal comms anyway.
I think private msg is only a open way for bully, sexuall and other insulting messages. So my vote is no for private msg


No,u don't need pvt messaging bcs it would be a lot of spam u have a lot of guys who spam female's walls so that won't be a good idea.

Yes Its a good idea. But not at the cost of slowing the game down
Ita a good idea.
Duh. Interacting with users on a personal basis would make the game more realistic and social. Maybe I could meet my future wife on here. Just kidding. Throw it in there #messageYES
I vote yes

1 person likes this

Yeah, would be good, If you actually have something private to say that you don't want yr gang or others to see...

Private messaging could have its usefulness, I can agree there. But I also agree that there are many more aspects of the game that could use some attention more so than messaging
i wouldn't use it. think time would be better spent somewhere else
No. i would never use it.
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