Premium UNITs are part of any game's mechanics... it BATTLECRY we tried to keep the affect of the GOLD UNITS controlled by limiting it to certain CLASSES only... also the normal players have the option to equip very large number of normal units which can effectively counter the premium units,
We will continue to keep the parity between both the type of players and their benefits... thanks for understanding.
are any of you taking into consideration the cost of the servers it takes to run BC.. the cost of the web designers who built this exact forum you are talkin in? the salaries of the help desk employess who try and assist you with your problems? how exactly do you expect to play this game if BC isnt generating any income.. heres the real problem.. leeches like you who refuse to pay a dime towards a game you like to play, but come in here expecting the Devs to bend over backwards to make the game more suitable to you cheapskates who arent even spending money... do you ever stop and listen to yourselves? "Im not going to help you pay your employees, Im not going to help you fund your game or servers.. And I want YOU to FIX it where nobody else can either"... I mean come on, seriously, grow up and think before you open your mouth.
robert davis
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