So we all know that your avatar can be only three colors and that's brown, red violet and green and that's because the race. For those who have gravatar pictures wouldn't you want your race icon color matching your gravatar picture, I know I do. I think Devs should let us choose what color our person icon is instead of it matching the race. Some good colors would be red, blue, black, purple, white, gray, and yellow. Besides, it tells you what race the person is under their profile icon. Please implement this Devs.
As of now the color of the avatar represents the player class RUNNER/HUSTLER/FIGHTER...
Negan Sawyer
almost 5 years ago
I like the idea
9 months ago
Its fucking yellow retard not brown
9 months ago
Who gives a fuxk about race. And what game Re you playing. I see bothing that tells me that yall are wgite nigers or fucking wetbacks . Makes no sense whT ylur saying
Eric T
9 months ago
Kindly reach out to us at [email protected] and we shall assist you out of the current situation.
6 people like this idea