That is probably the idea behind it @Let's Get Weighsted. But I think it's poorly implemented.
First off, I don't think the game is hurt by someone camping. Why? Because in reality, you couldn't earn more cash by camping than you could being active even in the old system (especially if you armed down a bit, but not fully, while still being active). Those who camped did so for very specific reasons; 1. They were stupid not to realize what I just said is true. 2. They were gathering cash for one-time armory. 3. They were inactive.
2 and 3 are totally legit reasons to be camping imo. If you will be inactive for a week or a month, maybe it's a good idea to camp, so it's not totally wasted time. #1 is not legit, but seriously, it doesn't hurt anyone but the ones camping, so it's on them.
Second, how are we supposed to get 200 billion in cash to buy a set of Record Studios or Fight Clubs now? The bank limit for me is 76 billion - I need to farm 120 billion and have that in cash to be able to buy that. Considering I will lose 30% of what I gain every day from people attacking me, this will take a shit load of time. And the devs just added new armory, which requires A LOT more income to sustain.
People who don't like campers are usually just looking for something to blame for something bad or annoying. Campers will not attack you, they might be whiny bitches, but just block them and there you go: problem solved.
I haven't camped since april of this year when I had 1.6 billion income, I now have 2.75.
The thing is, when the dust has settled, and people have been getting 1 billion loots from fights for a while, no one will have any cash on hand anymore. This means that we will actually loot LESS than before the update, because people are okay with losing 20 million a fight, but 2-5 billion? Not so much. So there's no point to ever having cash on hand, you will just lose it again.
This is a classic example of someone shooting themselves in the foot.
I'm guessing that this update was meant to sustain people enough to buy the new equipment, but think about it; you are not putting any more money into circulation, you are just making it easier for cash to switch hands. If cash isn't being made somewhere, how are we supposed to build a higher income to sustain the higher costing equipment?
I've made almost 500 million more income since this update went live 2 days ago - but this wont continue to happen. The only reason this happened was because I was quick to realize how much there actually was to gain from people who stockpile cash. Their cash has now run out and I can barely loot 500 million cash a day now.
In 6 months, if devs still running this loot updates. The new comers will not join this game. Too hard to gain money on low lvl coz they get looted so hard n cant loot cash from another ppl coz devs incrased bank limit. So they will hardly gain their money but will get looted n poor again.
new comer will not join anymore n leave. Camping ppl n income players will feel the same, Get looted from d players , boring coz have no goal to do anymore n leave.
If you let these silly updates running for at least 6-8 months, believe me , prepare to make a new game, coz ppl will leave this shit.
tourney is a shit now, elite just got 40 bil, what the fuck. I can get that number from fight list , just need one day. If u want this game long life, change the loot update to normal. Truly say, im very lazy n sick about dtm now. Login just see d players fucking us, so for what? log out n uninstall
I agree with org empire. Remove it please.
org empire
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