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Your post and ideas are really immature and stupid thanks.
You got better ones?? Tell u what Karla, when my shit take off don't come to me begging for a job or congratulating me. Continue to be a hater as u are now. THANKS
Actually yea that inactive thing was my idea.. also if he put a property caculator on market for 2.99 hed make a killing
So obvious they're great! Wowww
So I guess I should post more obvious shit like u right. Get the fuq out..
And lemme get this str8, u a dev or what?! If u not, u could try some real shit rather than riding my interactive dick! Lol. Lay my case and do you, u ain a dev, then I don't believe I was talking to u. Mine yours yo shit took flight, fuq u worried bout me fo, u str8 if it's all that. Shit, I'd figure you'd figure someone who's succeeded in somtn would educate the other's. U called that shit right on the money! HateN me cus I'm beautiful! Ay yall, another successful hatter!

You found a way to get "hatter", "HateN", "str8" and "fuq" in the same post as "educate". Very well done, sir.

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