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Where is my post from yesterday?

Is this forum even real? Was forced to seek answers re: how on earth my long standing account was totally wiped out #5 days ago & still no response from devs. Now I see even my post yesterday in this forum is gone. Hmm. I have sent emails, snapshots, followup texts requesting resolution, cleared cache. I have done nothing to cause this, ie have NOT rebooted, factory reset, am using same cellphone, the app still recognizes my original name, my buddies say I remain on their lists. No concern, apparently, by Legends' devs. Is ANYONE home? I was forced to resort to posting this problem on Dev wall, certain it would be deleted, as I warned players NOT TO PURCHASE when their chips could be taken with no remedy. Yet EVEN THAT POST remains, unresponded to. Have all the people in Sachi City been abducted by aliens? Is THIS 2ND POST going to be summarily dismissed, as well? Am I being forced to seek help from the Gaming Comission, do Google & Facebook negative reviews & expose Legends' fraud & dismissal, after daily play for years & >$600,000,000 in chips stolen? Whatever it takes, bring it on, I am so angry & disappointed @ having wasted hundreds of hours @ Legends & there apparently is no regard for player loyalty & I am taking this very personally the longer this inaction continues. Is posting THIS also a scam forum? Highly disappointed & frankly shocked & will be sure to alert prospective (& current) players to the fact that all chips (& $ invested) could disappear, w/ no recourse by Legends' wonton fraudulent activity. FCC oversight & sanctioning might "encourage" these tactics aren't used on others. Shameful, Legends.
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Please reach out to us at with the buddy code of the account you need assistance in regaining access to. 

If you've already created a support ticket, kindly include the ticket number as well.

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