Devs you banned my account ref 765031401359 , I did say a banned word but my friend put a comment on devs wall saying I was unarmed and camping , you can check so I put oy then the banned word beginning with c , I had bad signal so where I kept pushing button it put it up there several times , iv spent over 400 pound on your game I expect a warning , I no I'm a idiot but please give me my game back
John Milner
almost 11 years ago
Come on devs I put a shed load of doe into ur company on that account it was a genuine mistake one that I promise will never happen again sort it out please
John Milner
almost 11 years ago
Devs I feel like iv had my left arm cut of it was a genuine mistake I would never abuse u I love this game I was haveing a laugh with a pal if u check mess under what I wrote u will see zero saying I was unarmed I was ment to reply to him please accept my apology and give me my game back my code is 630853805 ur reference is 765031401359
Plz ans to my email as soon as posible....rqst codeĀ»
#36975 dtmafia #117682115952 #android #2.3.6
Adam Harvey
almost 10 years ago
I'm still waiting on my reply Dev please sort my issue out with my gold I ain't impressed having gold bars just vanish off from my account thank u
Faye Lewis
over 8 years ago
Issues with bank deposits, showed correct amount for my level and the next minute my deposit amount changed, and the next day it's correct why all of this fluctuation, you're suppose to have higher deposit each time you level not a lower amount. The next issue is nobody can do feds, war, shout box, comment on walls that includes leaving codes, battle, or retaliation none of these works; all of us are wondering what is going on with the game.
Rodney Sheean
over 7 years ago
Gday devs from Rod Australia, I had to buy another smart phone which I have played B.C. for just on 3 years & thank you luv the game & world players. I again can't down load the game to this phone . you have helped me before on this issue with success & many thanks. My login was with Google, I've tried again & frustratingly can't succeed. Please help asap
James Lockhart
over 7 years ago
Devs your help center is shit. I can remake this game and do a way better job. I like your game and have invested Thousands into it and still after years you cannot stop Scripters? I will be getting a refund and start production on this game as soon as my first game project is done. Your lack of commitment to your users is getting a bit rediculous. Ive asked many tines for you to fix this simple minded problem and you continue to ignore me. Enjoy the $3000 bill coming. And soon to be your whole gaming community, ot at least the ones who still do not cheat
duane Arbuckle
over 6 years ago
i need to get access to my old acct dirtydewayne. i sent email about this just just recently.
1 person likes this
christian ortega
over 6 years ago
this player has 6 fake acct just enter the game to send listing and do nothing else. I already report it for racist language but DEVS does nothing
dean mahoney
3 people have this question