What is BattleCry?

BattleCry is a MMO developed by DynamicNext that is playable on android and iOS based devices.

How much does it cost?

BattleCry is Free-to-Play

What are the objectives of the game?

Each player can set their own goals and objectives in this game based on the STRATEGY and  TACTICS they chooses. These objectives can take many forms including:
Character Level
Units Owned
Battle Record
Income Stream
Operations Completed
Treasury Balance

What is Strategy and how do I set one?

A strategy let's the player better mange a particular game resource  A player can set his strategy in the 'R&D' tab. A player can set it for free the first time but all subsequent strategy change would cost Gold Bars. There are three types of strategies:

AMMO: Generate Ammo Faster.
SUPPLIES: Generate Supplies Faster.
CASH: Generate Cash Faster.

What are TACTICS?

On finishing a level of a Operations Zone, a player gets certain tactic points. A player assign these tactic points in 'R&D' to increase the power of Ground, Air or Naval Units.